Sayili, Aydin
←creator/name : - Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘Kuuhî'nin sinirli zamanda sonsuz hareket hakkindaki yazisi Al Quhî on the possibility of infinite motion in finite time.’ Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 21, 83 : Temmuz, pp.489─495, 1957年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘Islam and the rise of the seventeenth century science.’ Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 22, 87, pp.353-368, 1958年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘Sâbit Ibn Kurra'nin Pitagor teoremini tamini (La géneralisation du théorème de Pythagore par Ibn Kurra).’ Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 22, 88, pp.527-549, 1958年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘The observatory in Islam and its place in the general history of the observatory.’,, 1960年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘Ebû Sehl el Kûhi'nin bir açiyi üç esit kisma bölm problemi için buldugu çözüm.’ Turk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 26, 104, pp.693-700, 1962年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘Ordinaryüs Profesör Dr. Muzaffer Senyürek. (1915-1961).’ Turk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 26, 101, pp.181-200, 1962年
- Sayili, Aydin(au) ‘The observatory in Islam and its place in the general history of the observatory.’,, 1960年
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