Riaz, Muhammad
= ID : Riau007Au002C_Mu0075hammad
←creator/name : - Riaz, Muhammad(au) M. A.(au) ‘Influence of Baba Faghāni's style on Iqbāl.’ Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 16, 4, pp.220-230, 1968年
- Riaz, Muhammad(au) ‘Mir Sayyid Muhammad Nur Bakhsh.’ Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 17,3, pp.117-190, 1969年
- Riaz, Muhammad(au) ‘Caliph al-Nāṣir li-Dīn Allāh and the system of 'Futuwwat'.’ Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 18, 3, pp.180-190, 1970年
- Riaz, Muhammad(au) ‘Iranian monarchs as patrons of learning.’ Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 19, 3-4, pp.147-158, 1971年
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