Henning, W. B.
= ID : Henningu002C_Wu002E_Bu002E
←creator/name : - Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Sogdian Loan-Words in New Persian.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, pp.93-106, 1938年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Argi and the "Tokharians".’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 9, pp.545-71, 1937年
- Henning, W. B.(au)「"Sulphur" in Sogdian.」 Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, pp.398, 1938年
- Henning, W. B.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, 1938年
- Henning, W. B.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, 1938年
- Henning, W. B.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, 1938年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘A Sogdian Fragment of the Manichaean Cosmogony.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 12 2, pp.306-318, 1948年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Two Manichaean Magical Texts, with an Excursus on the Parthian ending -ēndēh.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 12 1, pp.39-66,, 1947年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘A Pahlavi Poem.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 13 4, pp.641-48, 1950年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Date of the Sogdian Ancient Letters.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 12 3/4, pp.601-616, 1948年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Name of the "Tokharian" Language.’ Asia Major New Series 1 2, pp.158-162, 1950年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Sogdian Texts of Paris.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 11 4, pp.713-740, 1946年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Sogdica’,, 1940年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘A Farewell to the Khagan of the Aq-Aqatärān.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 14 3, pp.501-22, 1952年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Monuments and Inscriptions of Tangi Sarvak.’ Asia Major 2 2, pp.151-78,, 1952年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Zoroaster. Politician or Witchdoctor?’, 1951年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘βεσηχανα πολις: ad Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, XIV, 512, n. 6.’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 15 2, pp.392-393, 1953年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Ein unbeachtetes Wort im Awesta.’ Asiatica, Festschrift Friedrich Weller 1954, pp.289-292, 1953年
- Haloun, G.(au) Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Compendium of the Doctrines and Styles of the Teaching of Mani, the Buddha of Light.’ Asia Major 3 2, pp.184-212, 1953年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘The Inscription of Firuzabad.’ Asia Major 4 1, pp.98-102, 1954年
- Henning, W. B.(au) ‘Zoroaster, Politician or Witch-doctor?’,, 1951年
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