→article : - Akamatsu, Akihiko(au.) ‘Bhartṛhari on Meaning and Form : The Second Book of Vākyapadīya, Kārikās 325-347.’ Acta Asiatica No.90, pp.1-13, 2006年
- Yoshimizu, Kiyotaka(au.) ‘The Theorem of the Singleness of a Goblet (graha-ekatva-nyāya) : A Mīmāṃsā Analysis of Meaning and Context.’ Acta Asiatica No.90, pp.15-38, 2006年
- Motegi, Shujun(au.) ‘Śabda in the Yukitidīpikā.’ Acta Asiatica No.90, pp.39-54, 2006年
- Hattori, Masaaki(au.) ‘The Apoha Theory as Referred to in the Nyāyamañjarī.’ Acta Asiatica No.90, pp.55-70, 2006年
- Wada, Toshihiro(au.) ‘A Navya-nyāya Presupposition in Determining the Meaning of Words.’ Acta Asiatica No.90, pp.71-91, 2006年
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