→article : - Barrett, T. H.(au.) ‘Chinese Religion in English Guise : The History of an Illusion.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.509-533, 2005年7月
- Zhao, Minghua(au.) Amante, Maragtas S. V.(au.) ‘Chinese and Filipino Seafarers : A Race to the Top or the Bottom?’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.535-557, 2005年7月
- Hoe, Yow Cheun(au.) ‘Weakening Ties with the Ancestral Homeland in China : The Case Studies of Contemporary Singapore and Malaysian Chinese.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.559-597, 2005年7月
- Chung, Stephanie Po-yin(au.) ‘The Transformation of an Overseas Chinese Family : Three Generations of the Eu Tong Sen Family, 1822-1941.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.599-630, 2005年7月
- Lee, Yu-kang(au.) ‘New Government, New Language? : The Third Way Discourse in Taiwan.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.631-660, 2005年7月
- Park, Tae-gyun(au.) ‘Different Roads, Common Destination : Economic Discourses in South Korea during the 1950s.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.661-682, 2005年7月
- Hatcher, Brian A.(au.) ‘What's Become of the Pandit? : Rethinking the History of Sanskrit Scholars in Colonial Bengal.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.683-723, 2005年7月
- Mehra, Parshotam(au.) ‘In the Eyes of its Beholders : The Younghusband Expedition(1903-04) and Contemporary Media.’ Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.725-739, 2005年7月
- Cooper, Randolf G. S.(rev.) (review) Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.748-754, 2005年7月
- Khiun, Liew Kai(rev.) (review) Modern Asian Studies Vol.39Part 3, pp.758-760, 2005年7月
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