Two commentaries on the Arthaśāstra : Jayamaṅgalā & Cāṇakyaṭīkā : critically re-edited from Harihara Sastri's fascicle editions.

= ID : D2014-00030
= NCID : BB08284048
Date : 2011年
Item Type : book
Page : 194
Paper Size : 24cm
Publisher : Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg (@Halle an der Saale)
Series : Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; Bd. 2
Title : Two commentaries on the Arthaśāstra : Jayamaṅgalā & Cāṇakyaṭīkā : critically re-edited from Harihara Sastri's fascicle editions.
Writing System : euro
→creator : Pohlus, Andreas(au.)
→review : Lubin, Timothy(rev.) (review) Indo-Iranian Journal Vol.57No.1-2, pp.187-189, 2014年
→subject : 宗敎 印度諸宗敎・印度哲學・梵文學
→subject*code : 075X
*source-file : outo15

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