= ID
Acta Asiatica
Anthropological Science
Asian research trends. New series
Bulletin de la Maison Franco-Japonaise
Bulletin of the Department of Geography,Univ.of Tokyo
Developing Economies
East Asian Cultural Studies
Ex Oriente
Historia Scientiarum
Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko
Modern Asian Studies Review
Monumenta Nipponica
Monumenta Serindica
Orient : the reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
Review of Media,Information and Society
Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies
Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan
Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics
Int.Res.Inst.for Adv.Buddhol.,Soka Univ. (@Tokyo)
Inst.for the Stud.of Lang.and Cult.of Asia and Africa(ILCAA) (@Tokyo)
Inst.for the stud.of Lang.and Cult.of Asia and Africa(ILCAA) (@Tokyo) Rec.sur les Cult.d'Asie et d'Afrique, Univ.des Lang.Étrangères de Tokyo (@Tokyo)
Sankibo-Busshorin (@Tokyo)
Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, Toyo Bunko (@Tokyo)
Int.Inst.for Buddhist Stud.of the Int.College for Adv.Buddhist Stud. (@Tokyo)
Res.Inst.for Lang.and Cultures of Asia and Africa (@Tokyo)
The Chūō Acad.Res.Inst. (@Tokyo)
Int. Res. Inst. for Advanced Buddhol., Soka Univ. (@Tokyo)
Int. Inst. for Buddhist Stud. of the Int. College for Adv. Buddhist Stud. (@Tokyo)
Int. Inst. for Buddhist Stud. of the Int. College for Postgraduate Buddhist Stud. (@Tokyo)
Toyo Bunko (@Tokyo)
Inst. of Oriental Culture, the Univ. of Tokyo (@Tokyo)
Int. Res. Inst. for Advanced Buddhology, Soka Univ. (@Tokyo)
Tuttle Pub. (@Tokyo)
Res. Inst. for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Stud., (@Tokyo)
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