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- Sternbach, Ludwik(au) comp.(au) presented(au) ‘Gaṇikā-vṛtta-saṁgraha or texts on courtezans in classical Sanskrit.’,, 1953年
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- Leggett, Trevor(au) comp.(au) tr.(au) ‘A first Zen reader.’, 1960年
- Lamb, Alastair(au) comp.(au) ed.(au) ‘British missions to Cockin China, 1778-1822.’ Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 34, 3-4, pp.1-248, 1961年
- Narain, Pitambar(au) comp.(au) ed.(au) Bhaskaran Nair, S.(au) comp.(au) ed.(au) ‘Hindi sāhityasārinī or Hindi bibliography. Pt. I.’, 1971年
- Narain, Pitambar(au) comp.(au) ed.(au) Bhaskaran Nair, S.(au) comp.(au) ed.(au) ‘Hindi sāhityasārinī or Hindi bibliography. Pt. I.’, 1971年
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