Ames, Roger T.
= ID : Amesu002C_Roger_Tu002E
←creator/name : - Ames, Roger T.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies XL, 2, pp.419-420, 1977年
- Ames, Roger T.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 41, 2, pp.405-406, 1978年
- Ames, Roger T.(au.)「Human “beings” or human “becomings”? : Another look at the Wuxingpian.」 , pp.74-104
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) Hall, David L.(au.) ‘Focusing the familiar : a translation and philosophical interpretation of the Zhongyong.’ Univ.of Hawaii Pr. (@Honolulu), 2001年
- Hershock, Peter D.(ed.) Ames, Roger T.(ed.) ‘Confucian cultures of authority.’SUNY series in Asian studies development, State Univ. of N. Y. Pr. (@Albany), 2006年
- Rosemont, Henry(au.) Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘The Chinese classic of family reverence : a philosophical translation of the Xiaojing.’ Univ. of Hawaii Pr. (@Honolulu), 2009年
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) Hall, David L.(au.) 彭国翔译「《道德经》与关联性的宇宙论:一种诠释性的语脉」 求是學刋 30巻2期, pp.5-12, 2003年
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Locating the Confucian notion of person within an interpretive context.’ 中國比較文學 2014年2期, pp.1-15, 2014年
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Classical Daoism in an Age of Globalization : From Abduction to Ars Contextualis in Early Daoist Cosmology.’ 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 12巻2期, pp.105-148, 2015年12月
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Observing Ritual "Propriety(li禮)" as Focusing the "Familiar" in the Affairs of the Day.’ Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.2No.1, pp.155-172, 2002年2月
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Confucianism and Deweyan Pragmatism : A Dialogue.’ Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol.30No.3・4, pp.403-417, 2003年
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Using English to Speak Confucianism : Antonio S. Cua on the Confucian “Self”.’ Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol.35No.1, pp.33-41, 2008年3月
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘Collaterality in Early Chinese Cosmology : An Argument for Confucian Harmony(he和) as Creatio In Situ.’ Taiwan journal of East Asian studies Vol.2No.1, pp.43-70, 2005年6月
- Ames, Roger T.(au.) ‘What Ever Happened to “Wisdom”? : Confucian Philosophy of Process and “Human Becomings”.’ Asia Major(third series) Vol.21Part 1, pp.45-68, 2008年
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