Social Study/Rural Community
= ID : Social_Stu0075dyu002FRu0075ral_Commu0075nity
=Name : Social Study/Rural Community
←subject : - Leslie, Donald D.(au) ‘The Kaifeng Jewish community. A summary.’ The Jewish Journal of Sociology 11,2, pp.175-185, 1969年
- Lombard-Salmon, Claudine(au) ‘La communauté chinoise de Makasar. Vie religieuse.’ T'oung Pao 55,4-5, pp.241-297, 1969年
- Hayes, James(au) ‘Removal of villages for Fung Shui reasons. Another example from Lantau island,Hong Kong.’ Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 9, pp.156-158, 1969年
- Moerman, Michael(au) ‘A Thai village headman asasynaptic leader.’ Journal of Asian Studies 28,3, pp.535-549, 1969年
- Staley, John(au) ‘Economy and society in the high mountains of northern Pakistan.’ Modern Asian Studies 3,3, pp.225-243, 1969年
- Spooner, Brian(au) Philip C., Salzman(au) ‘Kirman and the Middle East. Paul Ward Engish's city and village in Iran. Settlement and economy in the Kirman Basin.’ Iran 7, pp.107-113, 1969年
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