Social Studies/Population
= ID : Social_Stu0075diesu002FPopu0075lation
=Name : Social Studies/Population
←subject : - Pulleyblank, E. G.(au) ‘Registration of population in China in the Sui and T'ang periods.’ Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 4, 3, pp.289-301, 1961年
- Kang, Yung-sun(au) Cho, Wan-kyoo(au) ‘Biological studies of Korean population.’ 朝鮮學報 21-22, pp.1075-1052, 1961年
- Чавушьян, А. Н.(au) ‘К вопросу о составе и динамике населения Турчии.’ Краткие сообщения института народов азии 30, pp.220-226, 1961年
- Dinescu-Szekely, Viorica(au) Constantin, G. I.(au) ‘Türkische Texte aus der muselmanischen “Kotschjok”=Kolonie in Bukarest.’ Rocznik Orientalistyczny 24, 2, pp.87-118, 1961年
- Thompson, Warren S.(au) ‘Population and progress in the Far East.’, 1959年
- Ho, Ping-ti(au) ‘Studies on the population of China, 1368-1953.’,, 1959年
- ‘Population trends in Eastern Europe, the USSR and mainland China. Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual Conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, held November 4-5, 1960, at Carnegie International Center.’, 1960年
- Koop, John Clement(au) ‘The Eurasian population in Burma.’, 1960年
- Bansil, P. C.(au) ‘India's food resources and population.’, 1958年
- Rhee, Ki-jun(au) ‘On population-labour force in Korea.’ Koreana Quarterly 4, 2, pp.64-92, 1962年
- Ho, Ping-ti.(au) ‘Studies on the population of China, 1368-1953.’,, 1959年
- Aird, John S.(au) ‘The size, composition, and growth of the population of mainland China.’,, 1961年
- ‘Population trends in eastern Europe, the USSR, and mainland China.’,, 1960年
- Timmer, Maarten.(au) ‘Child mortality and population pressure in the. D. I. Jogjakarta, Java, Indonesia. A social-medical study.’, 1961年
- Mamoria, C. B.(au) ‘Population and family planning in India.’, 1959年
- Gate, Ph. H. J. Howink Ten.(au) ‘The Luwian population groups of Lycia and Cilicia Aspera during the Hellenistic period.’,, 1961年
- Pritchard, Earl H.(au) ‘Thoughts on the historical development of the population of China.’ Journal of Asian Studies 23, 1, pp.3-20, 1963年
- Иванов, М. С.(au) ‘Некоторые данные всеобщей переписи населения в Иране.’ Народы Азии и Африки 1963, 2, pp.193-196, 1963年
- Agrawala, S. N.ed. ‘India's population: some problems in perspective planning.’, 1960年
- Baer,Gabriel(au) Szöke,Hannatr. from the Hebrew ‘Population and society in the Arab East.’, 1964年
- Bowring, John(au) ‘The population of China ; a letter on the population of China, addressed to the Registrar General, London : Read to the Society, 8th August, 1855.’ Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 5, pp.27-45, 1965年
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