Philosophy,Thought and Education/Education
= ID : Philosophyu002CThou0075ght_and_Edu0075cationu002FEdu0075cation
=Name : Philosophy,Thought and Education/Education
←subject : - Biggerstaff, Knight.(au) ‘The earliest modern government schools in China.’, 1961年
- Orleans, Leo A.(au) ‘Professional manpower and education in Communist China.’, 1961年
- Yuan Tung-li.(au) ‘A guide to doctorial dissertations by Chinese students in America, 1905-1960.’
- Carson, Arthur L.(au) ‘Higher education in the Philippines.’, 1961年
- Guthrie, George M.(au) ‘The Filipino child and Philippine society.’, 1960年
- Goitein, S. D.(au) ‘Jewish education in Muslim countries, based on records from the Cairo Genizah (Hebrew).’
- Sharp, H.(au) ‘Selections from educational records,part I,1781-1839.’, 1965年
- Richey, J. A.(au) ‘Selections from educational records,part II,1840-1859.’, 1965年
- Laska, John A.(au) ‘Planning and educational development in India.’, 1968年
- Misra, Atmanand(au) ‘The financing of Indian education.’, 1968年
- Khusro, A. M.(au) ‘A survey of living and working conditions of students of the Universitv of Delhi.’, 1967年
- Dakin, Julian, Brian Tiffen(au) H. G., Widdowson(au) ‘Language in education,the problem in commonwealth Africa and the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent.’, 1968年
- Reed, Horace B.(au) Mary J., Reed(au) ‘Nepal in transition,educational innovation.’, 1968年
- Ahmed, Munir-ud-Din(au) ‘Muslim education and the scholar's social status up to the 5th century Muslim era,11th centurv Christian era,in the ight of Ta'rīkh Baghdād.’,, 1968年
- Lutz, Jessie Gregory(au) ‘China and the Christian Colleges,1850-1950.’, 1971年
- Ridley, Charles Price(au) Godwin, Paul H. B.(au) Doolin, Dennis J.(au) ‘The making of a model citizen in Communist China.’, 1971年
- Son, In-su(au) ‘History of modern education in Korea.’, 1971年
- Thomas, T. M.(au) ‘Indian educational reforms in cultural perspective.’, 1970年
- Jayasekera, U. D.(au) ‘Early history of education in Ceylon.’, 1969年
- Rauf, Abdur(au) ‘West Pakistan. Rural education and development.’, 1970年
- Başgäz, Ilhan(au) Wilson, Howard E.(au) ‘Educational problems in Turkey,1920-1940.’,, 1968年
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