Economics/ Industry
= ID : Economicsu002F_Indu0075stry
=Name : Economics/ Industry
←subject : - Koh, Sung Jae(au) ‘Stages of industrial development in Asia, a comparative history of the cotton industry in Japan, India, China, and Korea.’, 1966年
- Castles, Lance(au) ‘Religion, politics, economic behavior in Java. The Kudus cigarette industry.’,, 1967年
- Абишева, Б. Н.(au) Виленский, Е. Л.(au) Игенбаев, А. А.(au) Меликова, Р. Н.(au) Нурмухамедов, С. Б.(au) Пахмурный, П. М.(au) Соловьев, А. В.(au) Чумак, И. З.(au) Шибанов, Г. А.(au) ‘История индустриализации Казахской ССР.’, 1967年
- Shih, Kuo-heng(au) ‘China enters the machine age, a study of labor in Chinese war industry.’, 1968年
- Chan, Hok-lam(au) ‘Tea production and tea trade under the Jurchen-Chin Dynasty.’ Münchener Ostasiatische Studien 25, pp.109-125, 1979年
- Su, Yun-feng(au) ‘The role of the government in the emergence of heavy industry in China, 1865-1911: A comparative study of Hupeh and Kiangsu provinces.’ 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 8, pp.183, 1979年10月
- Schive, Chi(au) ‘Direct foreign investment and transfer of technology: Theories and Taiwan's evidences.’ Proceeding of the National Science Council 3, 4, pp.455-458, 1979年
- Nyaw, Mee-kau(au) ‘"Sources" of growth of manufacturing industries in Singapore.’ 香港中文大學學報 5, 1, pp.411-432, 1979年
- Jones, G. G.(au) ‘The state and economic development in India 1890-1947: The case of oil.’ Modern Asian Studies 13, 3, pp.353-375, 1979年
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