Art / Sculpture
= ID : Art_u002F_Scu0075lptu0075re
←subject : - Pal, Pratapaditya(au) ‘The sensuous immortals. A selection of sculptures from the Pan-Asian collection.’, 1977年
- Schloss, Ezekiel(au) ‘Ancient Chinese. ceramic sculpture from Han through T'ang.’, 1977年
- Desai, Devangana(au) ‘Erotic sculpture of India-A socio-cultural study.’, 1975年
- Bhattacharjee, Arun(au) ‘Icons and sculptures of early and medieval Assam.’, 1978年
- Ackermann, H. C.(au) ‘Narrative stone reliefs from Gandhāra in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Catalogue and attempt at a stylistic history.’,, 1975年
- Srinivasan, K. R.(au) ‘The Dharmarāja ratha and its sculptures, Mahābalipuram.’, 1975年
- Harle, J. C.(au) ‘Gupta sculpture. Indian sculpture of the fourth to the sixth centuries A. D.’, 1974年
- Pal, Pratapaditya(au) ‘Bronzes of Kashmir.’, 1975年
- Lannoy, Richard(au) Baines, Harry(au) ‘The eye of love, in the temple sculpture of India.’, 1976年
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