Materials for the study of the Indus script. I. A concordance to the Indus inscriptions.

= ID : D74S05695
Date : 1973年
Item Type : book
Page : xxviii,
Page*name : xxviii, 528, 55 pp.
Publisher*name : "Helsinki"
Series : "Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Annales Acad. Scientiarum Fennicae, Sarja-Ser. B Nide-Tom"
Title : Materials for the study of the Indus script. I. A concordance to the Indus inscriptions.
Writing System : euro
→creator : Koskenniemi, Seppo(au) Asko, Parpola(au) Simo, Parpola(au)
→review : Krick, H.(au) (review) Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für indische Philosophie 18, pp.217-218, 1974年
→subject : Inscription and Palaeography/Inscriptions on Stone
*source-file : D1974.xml

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