Structure and change in Indian society.
Title : 「Structure and change in Indian society.」
→subarticle : - Cohn, Bernard S.(au) ‘Notes on the history of the study of Indian society and culture.’ , pp.3-28
- Mandel-baum, David G.(au) ‘Family, Jāti, village.’ , pp.29-50
- Harper, Edward B.(au) ‘A comparative analysis of caste, the United States and India.’ , pp.51-77
- Schwartz-berg, Joseph E.(au) ‘Caste regions of the North Indian plain.’ , pp.81-113
- Oren-stein, Henry(au) ‘Toward a grammar of defilement in Hindu sacred law.’ , pp.115-131
- Marriott, McKim(au) ‘Caste ranking and food transactions, a matrix analysis.’ , pp.133-171
- Elder, Joseph W.(au) ‘Caste and world view, the application of survey research methods.’ , pp.173-186
- Srinivas, M. N.(au) ‘Mobility in the caste system.’ , pp.189-200
- Rowe, William L.(au) ‘Mobility in the nineteenth-century caste system.’ , pp.201-207
- Lynch, Owen M.(au) ‘The politics of un-touchability, a case from Agra, India.’ , pp.209-240
- Nicholas, Ralph W.(au) ‘Structures of politics in the villages of Southern Asia.’ , pp.243-284
- Hazlehurst, Leighton W.(au) ‘Caste and merchant communities.’ , pp.285-297
- Galanter, Marc(au) ‘Changing legal conceptions of caste.’ , pp.299-336
- Kolenda, Pauline M.(au) ‘Region, caste, and family structure, a comparative study of the Indian "joint" family.’ , pp.339-396
- Patterson, Maureen L. P.(au) ‘Chitpavan Brahman family histories, sources for a study of social structure and social change in Maharashtra.’ , pp.397-411
- Gould, Harold A.(au) ‘Time-dimension and structural change in an Indian kinship system, a problem of conceptual refinement.’ , pp.413-421
- Singer, Milton(au) ‘The Indian joint family in modern industry.’ , pp.423-452
- Bright, William(au) ‘Social dialect and semantic structure in South Asia.’ , pp.455-460
- Ramanujan, A. K.(au) ‘The structure of variation, a study in caste dialects.’ , pp.461-474
- McCormack, W.(au) ‘Occupation and residence in relation to Dharwar dialects’ , pp.475-485
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