The Indian Geographical Society Silver Jubilee Souvenir and N. Subramanyam Memorial Volume
Title : 「The Indian Geographical Society Silver Jubilee Souvenir and N. Subramanyam Memorial Volume」
→subarticle : - Sevian, V. J.(au) ‘Irrigation in Iraq’
- Fawcett, C. B.(au) ‘A Challenge to Indian Geographers’
- Stamp, L. D.(au) ‘Measurement of Agricultural Efficiency with Special Reference to India’
- Spate, O. H. K.(au) ‘Geomorphological Problem in India’
- Crowe, P. R.(au) ‘The Seasonal Variation of the Strength of the Monsoons’
- O'Dell, A. C.(au) ‘Some Geographical Aspects of Railways in India and Pakistan’
- Frood, A. McK.(au) ‘Indians in South Africa’
- Learnmonth, A. T. A.(au) ‘Medical Geography of India’
- Kuriyan, G.(au) ‘Food Problems in India’
- Pithawalla, M. B.(au) ‘Physiographic Subdivisions of the Baluchistan Plateau’
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