The Kṛṣna-karṇāmṛta of Līlāśuka. A Medieeval Vaisnava Devotional Poem in Sanskrit (Bengal Recension).

= ID : D40S04813
Date : 1938年
Item Type : book
Publisher*name : "Dacca"
Series : "Decca University Oriental Publications Ser., No. 5."
Title : The Kṛṣna-karṇāmṛta of Līlāśuka. A Medieeval Vaisnava Devotional Poem in Sanskrit (Bengal Recension).
Writing System : cjk
→creator : De, S. K.(au)
→review : Weller, H.(au) (review) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 94, 1940年 Burrow, T.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, 1938年
→subject : 文學史附音樂 音樂
→subject*note : With three Sanskrit Commentaries of the Bengal Vaisnava School, the Krsnavallabhā of Gopala Bhaṭṭa, the Subodhani of Caitanyadasa and the Sarangarangada of Kṛṣnadāsa Kavirāja. Cr. Ed.
*source-file : D1940.xml

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