The Avesta Codex K 5. 3rd part. Codices Avestici et Pahlavici Bibliothecae Universitatis Hafniensis, vol ix.

= ID : D40S04640
Date : 1939年
Item Type : book
Publisher*name : "Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard"
Title : The Avesta Codex K 5. 3rd part. Codices Avestici et Pahlavici Bibliothecae Universitatis Hafniensis, vol ix.
Writing System : cjk
→creator : Barr, K.(with an introduc. by)
→review : Henning, W. B.(au) (review) Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 10, 1938年
→subject : 宗教史 囘教
*source-file : D1940.xml

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