Who is a rén 人? : The Use of rén in Spring and Autumn Records and Its Interpretation in the Zuŏ, Gōngyáng, and Gŭliáng Commentaries.

= ID : C2012-00026-00003
Content/Type*code : 1
Item Type : article
Page : 555-590
Subject*note : 春秋,左伝,公羊伝,穀梁伝
Title : Who is a rén 人? : The Use of rén in Spring and Autumn Records and Its Interpretation in the Zuŏ, Gōngyáng, and Gŭliáng Commentaries.
Writing System : euro
←article : Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol.131No.4
→coverage : 古代 中國
→coverage*code : 11A2151
→creator : Van Auken, Newell Ann(au.)
→subject : 學術思想 附敎育 群經
→subject*code : 082X
*source-file : OU038

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