Royal Naurūz in Samarkand : Proceedings of the Conference Held in Venice on the Pre-Islamic Paintings at Afrasiab.
Title : 「Royal Naurūz in Samarkand : Proceedings of the Conference Held in Venice on the Pre-Islamic Paintings at Afrasiab.」
→subarticle : - Kageyama, Etsuko(au.) ‘Coiffure et vêtement des Chinoises sur la peinture d'Afrasiab.’ , pp.29-41
- Grenet, Frantz(au.) ‘What was the Afrasiab painting about?’ , pp.43-58
- Livšic, Vladimir(au.) ‘The Sogdian Wall Inscriptions on the Site of Afrasiab.’ , pp.59-74
- Marshak, Boris I.(au.) ‘Remarks on the Murals of the Ambassadors Hall.’ , pp.75-85
- Ory, François(au.) ‘Essai de restitution des parties manquantes de la peinture d'Afrasiab.’ , pp.87-105
- Mode, Markus(au.) ‘Reading the Afrasiab Murals : Some Comments on Reconstructions and Details.’ , pp.107-128
- Raspopova, Valentina I.(au.) ‘Ethnos and Weaponry in the Murals of Afrasiab.’ , pp.129-145
- Vaissière, Étienne de la(au.) ‘Les Turcs, rois du monde à Samarcande.’ , pp.147-162
- Cristoforetti, Simone(au.) ‘Afrāsyāb toponimo e Afrāsyāb eponimo : considerazioni sulla riemergente plausibilità di una lectio facilior.’ , pp.163-171
- Compareti, Matteo(au.) ‘A Reading of the Royal Hunt at Afrāsyāb Based on Chinese Sources.’ , pp.173-184
- Arzhantseva, Irina(au.) Inevatkina, Olga(au.) ‘Afrasiab wall-paintings revisited : new discoveries twenty-five years old.’ , pp.185-211
- Barbet, Alix(au.) ‘Techniques d'exécution des peintures murales du palais d'Afrasiab à Samarcande.’ , pp.213-227
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