Editions of Biographies of Women as Examples of Printed Illustrations from the Ming Dynasty.

= ID : A2010-10709-01000-01006
Item Type : subarticle
Page : 169-224
Subject*note : 明代坊刻古籍版畫,以列女伝版本為例,木刻插圖,出版,商業書籍,摹寫本
Title : Editions of Biographies of Women as Examples of Printed Illustrations from the Ming Dynasty.
Writing System : cjk
←subarticle : 明清的圖譜與版畫專輯 漢學硏究(臺北) 28巻2期, pp.1-265, 2010年
→creator : Bussotti, Michela(au.)
*source-file : CHU308

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